Create an Account Help

What information do I need to enroll in Dillard's Card Services?

Please enter your credit card number, last four digits of the Cardmember's Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, date of birth and email address to begin the enrollment process.

Why do I need to provide my email address?

Your email address lets us communicate important information about your account(s).

A valid email address is also required for recurring payments, online statements, and account alerts.

Occasionally, we'll email you information about account features and other available products (if you do not wish to receive these types of emails, you can always change your email preferences later).

Questions? Please contact Customer Service.

  • Dillard's Credit Cardmembers call 1-800-643-8278, Monday through Saturday, from 7:00 am to Midnight Central Time, and Sunday, from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Central Time
  • Dillard's American Express® Cardmembers call 1-866-834-6294, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Please note: For your security, your session will timeout after 10 minutes of inactivity.